Northern Lights of Al Read more [...]
While some of you may know it as the former home of CY Fishing Charters, a new era has dawned on Albany Island. We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Dave H and his new business, Albany Island Lodge, a completely independent venture bringing a fresh perspective and exciting experiences to this breathtaking Cape York gem.
They understand that memories may linger from the previous business, CY Fishing Charters, but Albany Island Lodge is looking to rebuild the business in every way. Dave’s passionate team has been working in the Cape for over seven years.
Dave believes in working hard to show off the unique magic of Albany Island, while embracing the simplicity of the location. It is not Lizard Island nor does it want to be.
So, whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a first-time visitor, we invite you to embark on a new journey with Albany Island Lodge.
Welcome to Albany Island Lodge.
Imagine sandy white beaches, hammocks overlooking pristine waters, indulging in local seafood and scrumptious meals prepared for you, and unbelievable fishing. You will be truly relaxed after a stay with CY Fishing Charters.
Whether you prefer to spin, fly, or bait casting, numerous fishing options are available — this is the beauty of Cape York fishing. For starters, try the nearby rivers, creeks and estuary systems for barramundi. Cruise the flats and sight cast for a myriad of species in this remarkably productive ecosystem. Try reef and bottom bouncing for reds, coral trout, fingermark and jewies. Troll and cast for mackerel, tuna, queenfish and more. Cast poppers for gear-busting giant trevally. Golden snapper, tarpon, red emperor and nannygai… you might even try your luck for the legendary sailfish.
CY Fishing Charters is located on Albany Island at almost the very northern tip of Australia in the Cape York Peninsula. Albany Island is isolated from the mainland and has its own private paradise surrounded by numerous fishing options. The island is approximately 5.5 kilometres in length and about 1-2 kilometres wide. Albany, indigenously known as Pabaju Island, lies within the Torres Strait and is therefore very rich in history and culture.
The Cape York Peninsula is a large remote peninsula located in Far North Queensland, Australia. It is the largest unspoiled wilderness in northern Australia and one of the last remaining wilderness areas on Earth. Virtually untouched, the Torres Strait islands and surrounding Great Barrier Reef are home to some of the world’s most stunning blue waters as well as an abundance of marine life including dugongs, dolphins, giant marlin, and sea turtles. This unique tropical region is home to the indigenous Torres Strait Islanders, whose culture is rich in the arts and whose lifestyle has evolved from the sea and its abundance of wildlife.
Location target species:
Barramundi, some would say barramundi is the fish that put Australian sports fishing on the map. There is no doubt that both big marlin of Lizard Island and northern Australian barramundi are the top of the tree when it comes to Australian sports fish.Â
GT (Giant Trevally), Giant Trevally has also been referred to as being the gangsters of the flats, they have a reputation for being thugs, bullish and unforgiving. They prey on almost anything that moves. From crabs, lobsters, squid, and eels to Mantis Shrimps. However, their favourite prey will be the wide variety of smaller fish that populate the shallow flats. In the buildup to the wet season, GT congregates in numbers that almost make them a pest (almost).
Fingermark, without a doubt the Northern parts of Australia is spoilt when it comes to numbers of finger mark. They readily take a fly or lure and will keep you busy and test your skill and indeed your gear. Many will say finger mark is Australia’s best table fish!
Queenfish, when you see a Queenfish working bait or cruising along the edge of mangroves they look majestic and indeed powerful. Once you have hooked one they turn into an acrobatic monster. Many get complacent when a big Queenfish smashes their proper thinking I have this covered. They are as powerful as any fish in the ocean pound for pound, especially once they reach over 100 cm.
Coral Trout, Popper fishing for Coral Trout in a couple of feet of water is one of them fishing moments you will never forget. More often than not a Coral Trout is going to come up from a depth and smash your popper, lure or jig and start to return home with power and speed. For those fishing with the long wand casting across the top of a reef at low tide with an 8# always have a spare fly line or two if you are fishing remotely as you are going to need them.Â
Spanish Mackerel, unless you are fishing with 130lb big-game gear a Spanish mackerel is always going to give you a run for your money. Recently we hooked a 55 cm model on barramundi gear and let us know who was boss. Always good fun and plenty around on the right conditions.
Golden Trevally, those that like the long wand have always loved targeting Golden’s. They are never going to be as big and fierce as their good friend the fearsome GT but they will always test your skill and a superb target for those flyfishing.
Black Jewfish, the number of people that over the years have thought they had finally cracked the monster barramundi mark only to find that 30 minutes later they have a beautiful black jewfish. A surprise catch on barramundi gear will have you taking a nice cold drink once it has been released.
Mangrove Jack, those of you that have caught mangrove jacks (wolves of any estuary system) just think of one of them coming in at 5.5. They fight to a factor of at least 3x so a 5kg is going to feel like a 15kg fish. A fantastic fish to target as they release well and look great in a photo. Probably rivalling finger mark as one of Australia’s best table fish
Cobia, growing up we used to catch these on an 80lb handline when fishing for reds. In 200ft of water, you gear a great work out to be sure. Growing up to 78kg (MONSTER) they give you a chance to capture one of the ‘nicest’ fighting fish in the sea. They also love to give away their position by hanging out with Mantarays not all the time but it is a good bet. Makes them good to target on fly!Â
Northern Bluefin Tuna, they are never going to rival those tuna that have become famous on TV with shows like ‘hot tuna’ and ‘tuna wars’ they are however a superb fighting fish and release well. Always good to keep one or two for pre-dinner nibbles and/or dinner. Your guide will make sure the fish is looked after to keep its flesh in its prime. Those flyfishing will have an absolute blast as there is only two speeds for northern bluefin tuna and that is fast and stupidly fast.
Milkfish, have you ever gone fishing and hooked a train or an Italian sports car… Milkfish are one of the fastest in the seaÂ
Tarpon,  not as big as their Northern Hemisphere family but with numbers and sizes that keep the fly fishing crew happyÂ
Location brag board:
- FishingEarth GT Sports Fishing
- Macs & Coota
- Coota
- Trout
- Queens
- Barra
- Cobia
- Barra
- Big Mac
- Barra Barramundi
- Big GT
- Cod
- GT
- Blue Bastard
- Big GT
- More Queens
- Big Mac
- Small GT
- Jew Fish
- Nice GT
- GT
- Friends
- Nice Queen
- Brothers in Arms
- Queens
- Monster GT
- Macs
- Lots of Macs
- GT
The Fishing
CY fishing charters operate inclusively out of Albany Island, which is right smack bang in the middle of some of Australia’s most fishable waters. To the east of the island is the widest point of the Great Barrier Reef. To the south, we have incredible coastal reefs to fish, as well as the Escape River and Jackie Jackie Creek estuaries with some incredible flats fishing. To the east of the island, we have some ridiculously good flats fishing along the Australian mainland coastline north and south. We have some interesting billabong fishing on the mainland as well. To the north of the island, we fish to the tip of Australia, and around the false East Coast all the way until we get to the actual East Coast of the Cape York Peninsula.
It doesn’t matter what type of fishing you prefer, the island is perfectly situated to provide you with some incredible sports fishing action. If you are up early enough, we recommend that you take your spin rod or fly rod for a walk over to Pioneer Bay for a couple of early morning casts. The silicon sand waters hold some magnificent tropical sports species.
**The team at FishingEarth cannot control the weather gods, nor can we control the fishing gods. What we can do is put you in the right location at the best possible time. We do not look for the best available times and tides — we look for the best time for you to be there on a FishingEarth fishing adventure. If the fish don’t bite, it won’t be because you should have been there the previous week or the week after.
Every meal is prepared by our resident cook, who takes delight in exceeding your culinary expectations. Our mouth-watering meals are not complicated, but the quality of the food will have you feeling as though you were being served at a 5-star restaurant. We understand that you are not escaping the hustle and bustle of the real world to then encounter complicated food. The island has access to some of the best seafood in the world, and they present this wealth simply and deliciously.
The Lodge
Our key focus is on delivering the best blue-water fishing experience of a lifetime. CY Charters groups can range in size from 2 to 6 people. There is bedding for 12 people, and bigger groups can be requested. Lodging is in a two-story building with magnificent views over the water that separates the island and the mainland. Bush walks and beach hikes on Albany Island are encouraged if you are not too tired before or after a day’s fishing.
Remote no longer means you are roughing it! Our redesigned guest house (originally the Pearl House) accommodates an individual or a group of up to 12 friends and family. You will feel right at home in our easy living accommodation.
• Comfortable air-conditioned rooms
• Spick-and-span amenities
• Unspoiled backdrop
• Intimate setting
• Quality diningHow to get there
The team at FishingEarth will work with you to put together the most cost-effective and time-efficient travel plans for you. You will remain comfortable and stress-free as you journey to this fabulous location and back home again.
Flights to Bamaga from Cairns and return are available on weekdays. CY Charters are able to get a reduced fare for their clients. Please enquire before booking direct. After landing at Bamaga, you will be met by one of CY Charters staff members and driven approximately 45 minutes to the coast. From here, it is about 10 minutes by the operation’s own landing craft to Albany Island.
FishingEarth Quick Facts
Target Species
Barramundi, Fingermark Jew Fish, Tarpon, Queenfish, Saratoga, Coral Trout, Tarpon, Spanish Mackerel, Cobia, Red Emperor, Giant Trevally, Golden Trevally, Mac Tuna, Northern Bluefin Tuna, Estuary Cod, Barracuda, Permit, Blue Bastards,
Charter Operation Dates
The first week in March through to the 20th of December. Typically the charters are five days and six nights or six days and seven nights.
Typically the charters are five days and six nights or six days and seven nights. But, arrangements can be made for shorter or indeed longer trips.
How to get there
Working with you we typically work on finding the quickest way to get you from your door to sitting comfortably on the deck overlooking the waters of the Coral Sea with a cold drink in hand. It is our belief that it’s better to have a couple of extra hours up there than stuck at an airport or another non-descriptive hotel room. The entry points are via Cairns to either Bamaga or Horn Island if flying commercial. Other private charter options are available.
Q. Where is Albany Island?
A. The very last Island adjacent to mainland Australia on the east coast. Basically anywhere on the east coast of Australia head out of the coast turn left and keep going. The very last island before you get to the tip of Australia is Albany Island.
Q. Is the water drinkable up there?
A. In Far Northern Australia you need to keep the fluids up. Many will say loads of beer but we recommend water and lots of it. The water up there is great and there is plenty of it. Save the beer for the end of the day.
Q. Can washing be done?
A. Yep, each day the staff will wash anything you need washing. Good to know if you are travelling in the helicopter as you want to keep weight down so you can take more fishing gear.
Q. Talking about fishing gear… do they supply fishing gear?
A. Sure do! They have no issue with you bringing as much gear as you like. (there are weight limitations with the helicopter) but where there is a will there is a way.
Q. Is there hot water?
A. Yep, unlimited gas hot water. When I say unlimited we mean you can have a good shower to wash the day away.
Q. Is there mobile phone reception?
A. These days it is getting harder and harder to get away from mobile reception. If you do not want to receive a phone call. text or email we recommend you tell people you are with Vodaphone or Optus and then turn your Telstra phone off as there is ZERO reception for them (Vodaphone and Optus) up at the island.Â
Number 1 FishingEarth tip for this location.
This is one of those locations that can be almost anything you want it to be. The perfect fishing chameleon in that if you can think of it can just about be fished for from Albany Island. Our top tip is to be organised and know what you want to achieve fishing wise.
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