Travelling with Medication to Remote Locations

We are all so used to the conveniences of a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week society. For anyone living in a major city, finding a 24-hour chemist is not going to be that difficult. Even those in smaller areas can usually rely on the local hospital for a stopgap until the chemist opens in the morning.

Australia has one of the best remote health services in the world. We also have some of the best emergency facilities if you need urgent care. A number of years ago, I had a car accident far from anywhere, and within four hours, I was in a Royal Flying Doctor aeroplane on my way to the hospital. To me, that’s incredible.

However, when travelling to remote destinations, especially on a fishing adventure like the ones we specialise in, it’s important to plan ahead for your medication needs. Refilling your medication in remote areas can be expensive, and it will definitely cost you at least one of your fishing days.

Recommendations for Traveling with Medication

What We Recommend
Pack two medication packages: Each should contain all the medication you require for your fishing adventure.
Distribute medication: Have someone you trust carry one package in their carry-on. This increases the chance that your medication won’t go missing.
Refrigeration needs: If your medication requires refrigeration, this can be organised with the location, ensuring secure storage away from general lodge use.
Medical certificates: If you have a subscription for medical use drugs that would be deemed illegal without a certificate, ensure that you carry the correct documentation and inform the location in advance.

Facts and Tips

  • Remote Health Services: Australia’s Royal Flying Doctor Service is one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world. It provides emergency and primary health care services to people living in remote areas.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Always carry a basic first aid kit and familiarise yourself with the local emergency services. Knowing the location of the nearest medical facility can be crucial in an emergency.
  • Stay Connected: Carry a satellite phone or a personal locator beacon to ensure you can call for help if needed, especially in areas with no mobile coverage.


Travelling to remote locations, especially for a fishing adventure, requires a bit of extra planning when it comes to medication. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your trip is safe, enjoyable, and free from unexpected interruptions. Happy fishing!

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