Travelling with Sleep Apnoea: What You Need to Know

We will always let you know about the power supply.  As we know, even in the city, there is no guarantee of constant power. Most locations operate with generator power or a combination of generator power batteries and solar which charge the batteries. We recommend that you have a good quality surge protection power board that will protect your sleep apnoea machine and any other expensive electrical equipment that you’re travelling with.


Please have a look here ( and get advice on what type of battery will be best for you.


Travelling can be a thrilling experience, whether it’s for leisure or business. However, for those suffering from sleep apnoea, travelling poses additional challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining good sleep hygiene and ensuring the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines. While the allure of leaving the cumbersome device at home can be tempting, it’s crucial to understand the risks and prepare adequately to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

The Importance of Using Your CPAP Machine

  1. Health Risks:
    • Cardiovascular Issues: Sleep apnea has been linked to increased risks of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. Travelling without your CPAP machine can exacerbate these risks, particularly in stressful or unfamiliar environments.
    • Daytime Fatigue: Without adequate sleep, your ability to enjoy daytime activities can be significantly diminished. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation from untreated sleep apnoea can impair cognitive function, making it harder to enjoy or even safely participate in activities. 
  2. Sleep Quality:
    • Restorative Sleep: CPAP machines help maintain an open airway, ensuring continuous and restorative sleep. Without it, you are likely to experience frequent awakenings and reduced sleep quality, leaving you tired and irritable.
    • Social Impact: Poor sleep can also impact your social interactions, making you less pleasant to be around. Snoring loudly can disturb others, potentially leading to awkward or strained relationships with travel companions.
  3. Safety Concerns:
    • Driving and Activities: Fatigue from lack of sleep can be particularly dangerous if you’re driving or participating in activities that require focus and alertness. It’s important to be well-rested to avoid accidents and injuries.

Preparing for Travel with Sleep Apnoea

  1. Portable CPAP Machines:
    • Modern CPAP machines are more compact and travel-friendly. Investing in a portable CPAP device can make travelling easier and less cumbersome.
  2. Battery Backup:
    • If you’re travelling to remote areas or places with unreliable power supplies, consider carrying a battery backup to ensure your CPAP machine remains functional throughout your trip.
  3. Documentation:
    • Carry a letter from your doctor explaining the necessity of the CPAP machine. This can help with airline security and customs and may assist in arranging special accommodations.
  4. Choosing Accommodations:
    • Ensure your accommodation has a reliable power supply, and consider the layout to ensure your CPAP machine can be set up comfortably.

Real-Life Example: Sleep Apnoea on the Road

A friend’s mother once joked about her husband’s severe snoring due to untreated sleep apnoea, suggesting that if she had access to their gun safe, he might not have survived long. This dark humour underscores the frustration and potential danger untreated sleep apnoea can pose to both the sufferer and those around them. Ensuring you use your CPAP machine can prevent such discomfort and risks.


While the thought of escaping the hassle of your CPAP machine may be appealing, the potential health risks and impact on your travel experience make it clear that bringing and using your CPAP device is essential. Proper preparation and understanding of the importance of your health can ensure that your travel is safe, enjoyable, and restful.

For more information & booking